Here is a handy dandy new tool. Thank you to the Denver Post for helping roll this out. I am just getting into looking at Greeley District 6 data and the usefulness of the stats. This system has much more recent statistics. But it is less user friendly to make quick comparisons across years. One has to look up what the term "developing" means, etc. One particular area to note other than reading is math. Math dropped. Science isn't included. So much for the high tech jobs coming to Greeley any time soon.
The Greeley Tribune has all the positive stuff from the District interpretation of the data. So I'll post a few of the not so nice indicators from the site just to keep them all "transparent".
One thing I'd already like to ask is if the administration only makes 84% of their targets then can we give them just 84% of their pay? There are some debates ongoing about having teacher bonuses paid on progress over time rather than hitting a stationary target performance on each year's testing. Hence the State's new tool is a great idea in that regard. It makes much more sense to assess a teacher on progress made than on having to bring students up to grade level in one year who perhaps haven't been performing during the past five years.
My guess is that the concept of rationing out administrative pay on a similar measurable basis wouldn't be well received. No doubt.
I read statements made by the District Administration glorifying the achievements gained. These should be acknowledged. Perhaps not with the open arms the District Superintendent would like but nonetheless she is correct that steady gains are a step in the right direction. I guess she is overlooking the areas, like math, that suffer. The new strategy they are calling implemented may need some additional tweaking.
And I'd still like to see the District expenses and the strategic plan.
New CSAP data tool gauges student achievement - The Denver Post

The Greeley Tribune has all the positive stuff from the District interpretation of the data. So I'll post a few of the not so nice indicators from the site just to keep them all "transparent".
Professional Development and School Support (PDSSP):
- District did not make AYP for Reading: Use this link to access Reading Resources - pdf
- District did not make AYP for Math: Use this link to access Math Resources - pdf
- Visit the PDSSP web site for additional resources
One thing I'd already like to ask is if the administration only makes 84% of their targets then can we give them just 84% of their pay? There are some debates ongoing about having teacher bonuses paid on progress over time rather than hitting a stationary target performance on each year's testing. Hence the State's new tool is a great idea in that regard. It makes much more sense to assess a teacher on progress made than on having to bring students up to grade level in one year who perhaps haven't been performing during the past five years.
My guess is that the concept of rationing out administrative pay on a similar measurable basis wouldn't be well received. No doubt.
I read statements made by the District Administration glorifying the achievements gained. These should be acknowledged. Perhaps not with the open arms the District Superintendent would like but nonetheless she is correct that steady gains are a step in the right direction. I guess she is overlooking the areas, like math, that suffer. The new strategy they are calling implemented may need some additional tweaking.
And I'd still like to see the District expenses and the strategic plan.
New CSAP data tool gauges student achievement - The Denver Post
No other state has a data cruncher quite like it, and at least two states — Massachusetts and Indiana — have expressed interest in using the model for their own.
Beginning at 11 a.m., the public will be able to click on a new website,, to delve into how well their school, district and state are doing at pushing achievement and growth.

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