I've been working on a project for a few days and have been laggard in my postings. But I came across some interesting links in my email tonight that revisit the Uranium issues for the Durango Colorado area and Northern Colorado and thought I would post up the links here at least for those interested in doing more research on the topic. If there is anyone out there who still feels there is a chance to buck the political powers in the region on this one.
Below is a great site with some very good well written articles covering many sides of the issue.
Arizona Geology: Colorado's uranium legacy

Below is a great site with some very good well written articles covering many sides of the issue.
Arizona Geology: Colorado's uranium legacy
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Colorado's uranium legacy
With the debate heating up over uranium exploration and mining in Arizona, Colorado is having a similar debate over reopening a uranium mill near the historic mining town of Durango [right, mill tailings pile. Credit, WISE-Uranium.org]. The Durango Herald last week published an impressive set of articles looking at the history of mining and milling in the region. I haven't read all of the articles yet, but the ones I have read are good.
Uranium mining hinges on markets, courts - 8/12/2009
Some companies 'mining Wall Street' - 8/12/2009
Health risks from mines covered up - 8/11/2009
Ore from last uranium boom still scattered on Colorado land - 8/11/2009
Tensions high over plans for uranium mill - 8/10/2009
Reed Hayes: One false step, 41 years of pain - 8/10/2009
Lee Sutherland: Still working, still healthy - 8/10/2009
Marie Moore: Farming, ranching came first - 8/10/2009
Marie Templeton: Life's work is in history - 8/10/2009
Coloradans grapple with promise, threat of uranium - 8/9/2009
Town ceases to exist after Superfund cleanup - 8/9/2009
Mill will control pollution, company says - 8/9/2009
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